Introducing Street View Photography Mexico
Hey, this is Jaime Avila, administrator of SVP-Mexico. The ninth sister of Street View Photography, the mexican page was launched on May 9th, founded by a grear group of mexican street photography enthusiasts who were (and still are) willing to show the world what happens in our streets. Being not a country widely known for having a strong street photography culture, both producing or appreciating it, we are all committed into transmitting our cultural heritage on our images
It was founded by Chad Santos, Rodrigo Estañol, Luis A. de Jesús, Eduardo Quintero Ph, Abraham Carrasco, Eric Albarrán y Eden M. Rodriguez and Jaime Avila, under the guidance of David R. Prasser. All the team has been submitting great images since the foundation and have been promoting the site, which recently reached the 1, 000 likers, just after 45 days of being launched.
SVP-Mexico feautures mainly pictures with a lot of human interaction, we are a Latin American country and being close to people is our everyday thing, and I really think this is shown in most of the pictures, straightforward candid portraits or light/shadow contrasty images, but there is always some sort of human presence.
Boasting of being the largest city in the world (nearly 20 million people), Mexico City is the place mostly shown in the photographs, but also having some submissions from other big cities like Monterey, Puebla, and Guadalajara.
All the scenes depicted on the images so far, trully speak of the Mexican culture, our people, traditions, and every day’s life, or those kind of scenes that you can only see in a city like Mexico City, like ‘luchadores’ (wrestlers) joyfully riding the subway.
We all would like to give you a warm welcome to visit our page at Street View Photography – Mexico and join us celebrating what happens in the streets of a country that has a lot of stories to share with photo enthusiasts all over the world.
May you all find great light wherever your path leads.
Regards from Mexico,
Jaime Avila